Vision & Commitments
Our Business
Sustainable Solutions
Environmental Performance
Our People
ICL has incorporated relevant SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standard) and TCFD (Task Force on Climate -related Disclosures) indicators into the report. Additional disclosures for the TCFD are reported in ICL’s 2022 Annual Report.
ICL has reported the information cited in this GRI content index for the period January-December 2022 with reference to the GRI Standards.
Mining & Metals Supplement, where applicable
SASB Disclosure Number | SASB Standard Title | Disclosure Title Individual disclosure items | Location | |
SASB | RT-CH110a.1 | General Disclosures | Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Strategy: Climate Strategy ; GHG & Climate Change |
SASB | RT-CH110a.2 | General Disclosures | Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Strategy: Climate Strategy |
SASB | RT-CH-120a.1 | General Disclosures | Air Quality | ESG Metrics: ESG Metrics - ICL ; Air Quality: Air Quality - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-130a.1 | General Disclosures | Energy Management | Energy: Energy - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-140a.1 | General Disclosures | Water Management | Water & Wastewater: Water & Wastewater - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-140a.2 | General Disclosures | Water Management | Water & Wastewater: Water & Wastewater - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-140a.3 | General Disclosures | Water Management | Water & Wastewater: Water & Wastewater - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-150a.1 | General Disclosures | Hazardous Waste Management | Waste: Waste - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-210a.1 | General Disclosures | Community Relations | Engaging Our Stakeholders: Engaging Our Stakeholder - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-320a.1 | General Disclosures | Workforce Health & Safety | EHS Performance Data: EHS Performance-ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-320a.2 | General Disclosures | Workforce Health & Safety | Occupational Health: Occupational Health - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-410a.1 | General Disclosures | Product Design for Use-phase Efficiency | Sustainable Solutions: Sustainable Solutions - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-410b.1(2) | General Disclosures | Safety & Environmental Stewardship of Chemicals | Product Safety & Responsibility: Product Safety & Responsibility - ICL |
SASB | RT-CH-530a.1 | General Disclosures | Management of the Legal & Regulatory Environment | ICL Annual Report 2022 |
SASB | RT-CH-540a.2 | General Disclosures | Operational Safety, Emergency Preparedness & Response | EHS Performance Data: EHS Performance-ICL |
GRI Disclosure Number | GRI Standard Title | Disclosure Title Individual disclosure items | Omissions | Location | |
GRI | 2-1 | General Disclosures | Organizational details | ICL at a Glance ; ICL's Value Chain ; Product Safety & Responsibility ; ICL at a Glance ; Our Global Presence | |
GRI | 2-2 | General Disclosures | Entities included in the organization's sustainability reporting | About This Report ; ICL 2022 Annual Report Note 24 - Group Main Entities | |
GRI | 2-3 | General Disclosures | Defining report content and topic Boundaries | About This Report ; Planetary Boundaries ; Material Topics | |
GRI | 2-4 | General Disclosures | Restatements of information | About This Report | |
GRI | 2-5 | General Disclosures | External assurance | About This Report | |
GRI | 2-6 | General Disclosures | Activities, value chain and other business relationships | ICL at a Glance ; ICL's Value Chain ; Product Safety & Responsibility ; Our Global Presence ; Sustainable Solutions | |
GRI | 2-7 | General Disclosures | Employees | Fair & Responsible Employment | |
GRI | 2-8 | General Disclosures | Workers who are not employees | Fair & Responsible Employment | |
GRI | 2-9 | General Disclosures | Governance structure and composition | Governance | |
GRI | 2-10 | General Disclosures | Nomination and selection of the highest governance body | ICL 2022 Annual Report p.207 | |
GRI | 2-11 | General Disclosures | Chair of the highest governance body | ICL 2022 Annual Report Item 6 - DIRECTORS, SENIOR MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES | |
GRI | 2-12 | General Disclosures | Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts | Governance of ESG Risks | |
GRI | 2-13 | General Disclosures | Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts | Governance of ESG Risks | |
GRI | 2-14 | General Disclosures | Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting | Governance of ESG Risks | |
GRI | 2-15 | General Disclosures | Conflicts of interest | Preventing Corruption & Fraud | |
GRI | 2-19 | General Disclosures | Remuneration policies | ICL 2022 Annual Report Item 6 - Directors, Senior Management and Employees B.Compensation | |
GRI | 2-20 | General Disclosures | Process to determine remuneration | ICL 2022 Annual Report Item 6 - Directors, Senior Management and Employees B.Compensation | |
GRI | 2-21 | General Disclosures | Annual total compensation ration | Fair & Responsible Employment | |
GRI | 2-22 | General Disclosures | Statement on sustainable development strategy | Letter from Our CEO & President | |
GRI | 2-28 | General Disclosures | Membership associations | Professional & Industry Related Involvement | |
GRI | 2-29 | General Disclosures | Approach to stakeholder engagement | Transparency & Dialogue | |
GRI | 2-30 | General Disclosures | Collective bargaining agreements | Fair & Responsible Employment | |
GRI | 3-1 | General Disclosures | Process to determine material topics | Transparency & Dialogue ; Material Topics | |
GRI | 3-2 | General Disclosures | List of material topics | Transparency & Dialogue ; Material Topics ; Planetary Boundaries | |
GRI | 3-3 | General Disclosures | Management of material topics | Transparency & Dialogue ; Material Topics ; Planetary Boundaries | |
GRI | 103-1 | Management Approach | Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary | About This Report ; ICL 2021 Annual Report | |
GRI | 103-2 | Management Approach | The management approach and its components | ICL 2021 Annual Report | |
GRI | 201-1 | Economic Performance | Direct economic value generated and distributed | Economic Responsibility | |
GRI | 201-2 | Economic Performance | Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change | Carbon Disclosure Project | |
GRI | 203-2 | Indirect Economic Impacts | Significant indirect economic impacts | Impact on Local Economy | |
GRI | 103-1 | Management Approach | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | Business Ethics: Conducting Business Fairly ; Audits, Feedback & Control Mechanisms ; Preventing-corruption and Fraud | |
GRI | 103-2 | Management Approach | The management approach and its components | Business Ethics: Conducting Business Fairly ; Audits, Feedback & Control Mechanisms ; Preventing-corruption and Fraud | |
GRI | 103-3 | Management Approach | Evaluation of the management approach | Audits, Feedback & Control Mechanisms | |
GRI | 205-2 | Anti-corruption | Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures | Business Ethics: Conducting Business Fairly ; Audits, Feedback & Control Mechanisms ; Preventing-corruption and Fraud | |
GRI | 103-1 | Management Approach | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | Management Approach ; About This Report | |
GRI | 103-2 | Management Approach | The management approach and its components | Management Approach | |
GRI | 103-3 | Management Approach | Evaluation of the management approach | Management Approach ; KPIs, Trends & Insights | |
GRI | 301-1 | Materials | Materials used by weight or volume | Dead Sea Water Level ; ICL Rotem | Israel ; ICL Iberia (IBP)| Spain ; ICL Boulby | UK ; ICL JV YPH | China | |
GRI | 302-1 | Energy | Energy consumption within the organization | Energy | |
GRI | 302-3 | Energy | Energy intensity | Energy | |
GRI | 303-3 | Water & Effluents | Water withdrawal | Water Data ; Dead Sea Water Level | |
GRI | 303-4 | Water & Effluents | Water discharge | Water Data ; Dead Sea Water Level | |
GRI | 303-5 | Water & Effluents | Water consumption | Water Data ; Dead Sea Water Level | |
GRI | 103-1 | Management Approach | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | Biodiversity | |
GRI | 103-2 | Management Approach | The management approach and its components | Biodiversity | |
GRI | 103-3 | Management Approach | Evaluation of the management approach | Biodiversity ; Land Rehabilitation & Restoration | |
GRI | 304-1 | Biodiversity | Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas | Biodiversity Data | |
GRI | 304-3 | Biodiversity | Habitats protected or restored | Biodiversity Data ; Restoring Natural Resources | |
GRI | 304-4 | Biodiversity | IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations | Biodiversity Data ; Biodiversity @ ICL Boulby | |
GRI | 305-1 | Emissions | Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions | GHG & Climate Change | |
GRI | 305-2 | Emissions | Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions | GHG & Climate Change | |
GRI | 305-3 | Emissions | Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions | GHG & Climate Change | |
GRI | 305-5 | Emissions | Reduction of GHG emissions | GHG & Climate Change | |
GRI | 305-7 | Emissions | Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX), and other significant air emissions | Air | |
GRI | 306-2 | Effluents and Waste | Waste by type and disposal method | Waste | |
GRI | 306-3 | Effluents and Waste | Significant spills | Ashalim Creek Incident | |
GRI | 306-4 | Effluents and Waste | Transport of hazardous waste | Waste | |
GRI | 306-5 | Effluents and Waste | Water bodies affected by water discharges and/or runoff | Ashalim Creek Incident ; Salt Wetland "Swan Lake" | |
GRI | 307-1 | Environmental Compliance | Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations | Management Approach | |
GRI | 103-1 | Management Approach | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | Fair & Responsible Employment ; Health & Safety ; Human Resource Development ; About This Report | |
GRI | 103-2 | Management Approach | The management approach and its components | Our People ; Diversity in Employment - Hiring the Best ; Human Resource Development ; Health & Safety ; ICL's 5 Safety Principles | |
GRI | 103-3 | Management Approach | Evaluation of the management approach | KPIs, Trends & Insights | |
GRI | 401-1 | Employment | New Employee hires and employee turnover | Fair & Responsible Employment | |
GRI | 403-1 | Occupational Health and Safety | Occupational health and safety management system | EHS Performance Data | |
GRI | 403-2 | Occupational Health and Safety | Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation | EHS Performance Data | |
GRI | 403-3 | Occupational Health and Safety | Occupational health services | Occupational Health | |
GRI | 403-4 | Occupational Health and Safety | Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety | EHS Performance Data | |
GRI | 403-5 | Occupational Health and Safety | Worker training on occupational health and safety | EHS Performance Data ; Occupational Health | |
GRI | 403-7 | Occupational Health and Safety | Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships | Product Safety & Responsibility | |
GRI | 403-8 | Occupational Health and Safety | Workers covered by an occupationa health and safety management system | EHS Performance Data | |
GRI | 403-9 | Occupational Health and Safety | Work-related injuries | EHS Performance Data | |
GRI | 404-2 | Training and Education | Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs | Employee Welfare & Wellbeing; Human Resource Development | |
GRI | 405-1 | Diversity and Equal Opportunity | Diversity of governance bodies and employees | Diversity in Employment - Hiring the Best | |
GRI | 406-1 | Non-discrimination | Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken | Audits, Feedback & Control Mechanisms | |
GRI | 407-1 | Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining | Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk | Fair & Responsible Employment ; Protection of Human Rights ; Fair Employment for Contract Employees in Israel | |
GRI | 408-1 | Child Labor | Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor | Fair & Responsible Employment | |
GRI | 409-1 | Forced or Compulsory Labor | Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor | Fair & Responsible Employment | |
GRI | 415-1 | Public Policy | Political contributions | Preventing Corruption Fraud | |
GRI | 103-1 | Management Approach | Explanation of the material topic and its boundary | Product Stewardship & Lifecycle ; Sustainability Index | |
GRI | 103-2 | Management Approach | The management approach and its components | Product Safety & Responsibility; Sustainability Index | |
GRI | 103-3 | Management Approach | Evaluation of the management approach | SAFR ; Agriculture Training & Research | |
GRI | 416-1 | Customer Health and Safety | Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories | Product Safety & Responsibility; Sustainability Index |