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Occupational Health deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards." (WHO).
Occupational Health (OH) is a multidisciplinary undertaking dedicated to employee and contractor health in the workplace. The professional practice dedicated to maintaining OH and safety in the workplace is called Industrial Hygiene (IH).
ICL takes comprehensive measures to maintain its employees’ health and keep them safe.
Hazardous factors that can affect employee environments are evaluated at ICL worksites. An annual Industrial Air Monitoring plan is executed at all ICL plants, as required by local authorities. Chemicals defined as hazardous under the relevant regulations, such as raw materials, and materials that are part of the production process or products, are routinely monitored under this plan. The occupational exposure limits used are based on both regulatory (such as OSHA and other local regulatory authorities) and recommended guidelines (such as the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)).The occupational exposure limits are also published in ICL’s safety data sheets (SDSs), which are provided with every relevant product marketed by ICL.
In case of irregularities, corrective actions are taken. Action items may include; implementation of improved working and cleanup procedures, reduction of emissions with improved machinery, new technology, and improved infrastructure, as well as by revising and adjusting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
ICL monitors noise and employees are trained to minimize their exposure to noise. Noise reduction activities are performed where possible, and appropriate PPE is provided. Additional factors such as radiation, vibration and heat load are also measured and mitigated.
ICL performs industrial hygiene surveys to determine what occupational health activities need to be implemented at its production sites. Health risk assessment surveys are conducted to consider risk factors at plants, including chemical hazards, physical hazards, and work routines. The surveys are performed in cooperation with the relevant production and safety units and apply both to employees and contractors.
Increasing employee awareness of hazardous factors is a crucial element in the prevention and control of work-related illnesses. As a result, health and safety training programs for employees and contractors are provided at ICL production facilities.
Employees are trained to manage and mitigate specific health hazards to which they may be exposed. Managers are trained to be knowledgeable about local regulations and how to protect their employees accordingly. Units with special characteristics are trained accordingly.
Employees that are exposed to health hazards undergo regular checkups at medical centers. Employees are provided with PPE, and are trained in their proper use. In addition, ICL offers such employee’s periodic general medical checkups. An occupational physician is consulted as needed. Health promotion programs are also offered across ICL worksites
Ergonomic surveys are performed at various ICL sites, in order to improve working conditions and to prevent muscular-skeletal injuries. Following these surveys, corrective actions are taken and new technologies are introduced to support better ergonomics.
ICL continuously promotes the health and wellbeing of its workforce. Various types of training are offered to employees, including lectures and training on various topics (including smoking prevention, vaccines, women’s health, ergonomics, proper nutrition, and more). These activities raise and encourage health awareness.
As part of their agreements with ICL, contractors are obligated to provide their employees with measures to protect their occupational health. These measures include medical checkups, proper PPE and training. All contractors are also required to comply with local health regulations. All contractors that work in ICL sites undergo safety training before commencing their work. ICL implements audits, reporting and risk assessments regarding health & Safety, for both employees and contractors.
ICL established a global management mechanism for pandemic response throughout the Company. ICL continuously monitors global events. Regional COVID-19 trustee teams implemented a coordinated response with extensive use of shared knowledge and development of best practices, in full compliance with varying local requirements. Following the distancing requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, ICL’s IT team enabled a hybrid work model, that combined both working from home and onsite where possible. ICL established processes and management procedures that will come into effect in the event of a new pandemic.
During 2022, there were no massive COVID-19 lockdowns. In our YPH site, located in China, there was a lockdown due to the discovery of a COVID-19 outbreak in the region. YPH management supported its employees and contractors during the lockdown.