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In March 2020, coronavirus began spreading in Israel, leading to the first lockdown and realization that dealing with the pandemic would necessitate social distancing and lockdowns. Thinking Doing operations adapted to this emergency. ICL responded quickly, seeing that residents needed swift actions in response to community challenges regarding information, welfare and alleviation of solitude. The Company utilized its network of Thinking Doing activists and volunteers, harnessed the program and quickly adapted it, enabling ICL to support, within a short time, a series of projects designed to assist residents of southern Israel in dealing with the unexpected difficulties arising from the pandemic. Among these responses were educational and creative kits prepared for children of the Bedouin diaspora, and videos for the elderly prepared by teenage groups. A special video was also prepared as part of an informational campaign to minimize the adverse financial effects on kitchen ladies in Yeruham.
With ICL’s support, cultural activities occurred via Zoom, and on Independence Day a special trivia quiz about the State of Israel was arranged, with the participation of numerous families from the Central Arava regional council. In the Ramat Negev regional council, book club meetings were held for the elderly, who suffered from the library and bookstores being closed. In Dimona, box games were delivered to the homes of welfare-assisted families. A non-profit organization assisting children on the autistic spectrum and operating a care center, delivered, with ICL’s help, small trampolines to children, who require daily motoric activity at home. In Be’er Sheva, the Neighborly Neighbors project was conceived and realized, initiated by young people in the B quarter, who delivered pamphlets and flowers on Passover and Independence Day. They knocked on every door in the neighborhood, checking on the elderly residents and giving them a small gift.
This is the Company’s social flagship project, which serves as a platform for realizing ICL’s corporate responsibility.
The program, an ICL initiative, has been active since 2014 as part of a strategic process to promote partners and partnerships in the Negev. The program supports social and environmental processes, creates social empowerment and strengthens local identity, by creating a regional network of local entrepreneurs, who have both the ability and desire to contribute to the local community, as well as to the entire Negev region.
The program promotes close cooperation with municipal authorities and allows for the pooling of resources to improve the physical and social conditions made available to residents. Thinking Doing enables ICL to be a significant partner in the establishment of the Negev’s environmental, economic and social resilience.
ICL, as an influential and major factor in Negev communities, acts as a catalyst to drive processes that establish the joint effort of business, environment, and community organizations, to strengthen the Negev’s resilience, and aids in building a social, environmental, and professional network as part of its community activities. Various projects and initiatives are supported within this framework, including long-term projects that promote change by pooling resources for greater empowerment and creativity in the community space.
The Thinking Doing Project enables individuals and the community to use and initiate practical tools to realize local visions related to the environment and society. This allows the formation of community and environmental initiatives in the various Negev communities, with the purpose of building an independent and active community that promotes both environment and society. Throughout the development process of a project within the “Thinking Doing” program, local residents select areas in which they wish to focus their activities, such as education and community, the local economy and environmental resources. A community representative is appointed to lead the project in each initiative or type of activity.
This is a significant community program, initiated and supported by ICL, with the active cooperation of numerous local organizations. ICL contributes both funds and volunteer time of its employees to the various community projects.
The program began as a pilot project in the town of Yeruham and has been in operation there since 2014. As a result of the program, a regional network of local entrepreneurs was created, with the ability and the desire to contribute to the local community and to the entire Negev region. Together with Yeruham residents and the town’s local leadership, and by connecting with the town’s agenda and the mayor’s vision for sustainability, the program supports social and environmental initiatives of the local residents, thereby aiding in rebranding Yeruham as a sustainability-fostering town.
The connections and partnerships between various organizations in Yeruham, the empowerment of social entrepreneurs and the motivation of partnership processes have promoted the establishment of significant institutions in the community and driven community-building and space-altering processes. These changes and significant activities are apparent on the ground. Yeruham has seen the establishment of significant anchor institutions and unique collaborations leading to meaningful social activity. This activity places Yeruham at the forefront of social action and as an international model for community change and growth. This model of activity was the first of its kind in the Negev and serves as inspiration for additional municipal authorities in the Negev, who have since joined the Thinking Doing program.
Successful projects in Yeruham include, among others:
The Thinking Doing program has been in operation in the Ramat Negev Regional Council since 2017, following to initiatives proposed by local residents. The 2020 call for proposals has been adapted to the COVID-19 reality, with an emphasis on outdoor community meeting places. Eight open spaces have been established or developed, led by local communities. Entrepreneurs take part in a local forum engaged in peer learning, forming a council-wide concept of the outdoor space model adapted to the needs of Council communities and the requirements posed by the pandemic.
The workshop and wagon: workshop activities are broad and expansive. The workshop played a leading role in responding to acute needs arising during the first months of dealing with the pandemic. An array of summer jobs for teenagers needing income, guidance for teenage groups in the communities on joint activities, establishing a new wagon, “the Kettle” a tea and talk area for teenagers and the elderly in the communities.
The Thinking Doing program began operating in Dimona in 2019. During 2020, local connection was established through linkage to the local community center and through other municipal collaborations. The “Springboard” project will be launched soon, bringing the community woodworking workshop and wagon to Dimona, to serve in guiding projects with local youth centers, creating sitting areas, enhancing urban landscaping and constructing alluring vista points. In addition, a municipal call for proposals was published in 2021 inviting residents to propose and promote local initiatives within the program.
2020 was defined as a pilot year for the Thinking Doing program in Quarter B in Be’er Sheva, and it concluded with significant and meaningful work done by dozens of local entrepreneurs, both young and elderly. ICL now looks forward to city-wide activity including all neighborhoods. During 2020, alongside the COVID-19 pandemic, various projects were executed in the Quarter B neighborhood, including the Tenement Building Film Festival, which introduced a culture capsule into the urban landscape. Unique films were made starring local residents and screened on the buildings themselves. ICL aspires to transform the festival into a city tradition and to hold it on a regular basis in various neighborhoods of the city.
On the municipal level, development and conceptual work is carried out to create a program tailored and complementary to the urban community renewal program.
In Mitzpe Ramon, Thinking Doing activity focuses on the workshop. A woodworking wagon leads activity in the older neighborhoods, while supporting the formulating house and neighborhood committees. In addition, the wagon arrives with volunteers at public areas to hold community activities while constructing and upgrading those areas.
In 2021 the plan is to extend activities into additional Bedouin settlements and to establish a network of strong communities that support one another.