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ICL’s support of and commitment to internationally recognized human rights standards including the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles, and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, is codified in the ICL Human Rights policy. Furthermore, ICL has committed itself to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact initiative and integrated the UN Global Compact and its principles into our company’s culture, strategy, and operations.
Read more about ICL joining the UN Global Compact Initiative
ICL’s standard of commitment to the protection of human rights applies in all regions and areas of its activities, including the company’s production and logistics operations sites. Acquisitions and business relations created in developing countries require ICL to emphasize compliance with human rights standards.
In 2022, ICL conducted a human rights due diligence review to ensure that there are no human rights violations in all ICL’s sites around the world. The review covered the principles covered in our human rights policy: prohibition of forced labor, prevention of harassment and discrimination, freedom of association, safe working conditions, prohibition of child labor, fair wages, benefits and reasonable working hours, and permanent positions versus outsourcing or contract workers.
The responses from 75 ICL entities worldwide showed no major findings, only some opportunities for improvements for which remediation plans have been put into action. Audits of Ethical Standards are regularly conducted in all ICL operations, as are various compliance audits, including on human rights & ethical related matters. In addition Internal Audit refers to the Ethical Standards aspects, in audits conducted annually at ICL sites, as part of dedicated reviews of processes such as Sales & Marketing, Procurement, Contractors, and once every 3 years conducts a dedicated audit on various Ethical Standards (e.g. Code of Ethics, Anti Bribery and Corruption, Anti-Harassment & Discrimination, etc.).
ICL is the first industrial company in Israel to implement the voluntary code for employers against sexual harassment in the workplace. The Company has successfully adopted a voluntary code against sexual harassment in the workplace, formulated by the Standards Institution of Israel. This code establishes a higher standard than regional regulations against sexual harassment in Israel.
The code is an operative tool for creating a clear and orderly process for preventing and resolving sexual harassment. It is effective in coping with the phenomenon. It strengthens employees' personal sense of security, and enables ICL to act responsibly, according to its values, to create a respectful and safe work environment with zero tolerance for sexual harassment.
Toward the end of 2022, ICL’s sites in Israel were audited by the Standards Institution of Israel as part of a comprehensive certification process to evaluate ICL’s compliance with the voluntary code. The certification process included interviews with employees, sexual harassment prevention supervisors and HR managers at the various sites, with a special focus on training and compliance systems, prevention and treatment mechanisms used in handling sexual harassment complaints. ICL completed the certification process successfully.